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Personal Memoirs, Testimonies and Diaries



Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

RG-01.01, Irena Lusky Collection

RG-01.02, Nika Fleissig papers

RG-01.03, Collection of Dachau diaries and letters

RG-01.04, Anna Przeworska-Pratt papers

RG-01.05, Siegfried Halbreich papers

RG-01.06, Barry Ziff papers

RG-01.07, Erica Leon Testimony

RG-01.08, Anna Lipszyc papers

RG-01.09, Betti Gerard papers

RG-01.10, Marta Mitdank testimony

RG-01.11, Dawid Gertler papers

RG-01.12, Ludwik Hirshfeld memoir

RG-01.13, Josef Broide papers

RG-01.14, Henryk Gliksman papers

RG-01.15, Alice Schragai memoir

RG-01.16, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in U.S. Zone of Occupation in Germany papers

RG-01.17, Otto Herskovic memoir

RG-01.18, John van Huzun wartime diary the Netherlands

RG-01.19, Rysia Edelman, Wartime Memoir, Poland

RG-01.20, Ernest (Jacob) Lorant memoir, Hungary

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Personal Memoirs, Testimonies and Diaries, 1918 -- 1996 | Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

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Collection Overview

Title: Personal Memoirs, Testimonies and Diaries, 1918 -- 1996Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:1920s -- 1950s

ID: RG-01/RG-01

Primary Creator: Lusky, Irena (ca. 1925-)

Other Creators: Broide, Josef, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US zone of occupation in Germany (1945 -- 1952), Epstein, Estera, Fleissig, Nika (1919-), Gerard, Betti (1934-), Gertler, Dawid, Gliksman, Henryk, Halbreich, Siegfried (1909-), Herskovic, Otto, Hirszfeld, Ludwik (1884-1954), Jonski, Jozef (1912-), Legal Department of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Zone of Occupation in Germany, Leon, Erica, Lipszyc, Anna (1918-), Mitdank, Marta, Schragai, Alice, van Huzun, John, Ziff, Barry

Extent: 0.0


The arrangement scheme for the record group was imposed during processing in the absence of an original order. Materials are arranged by creator, then by identifier, as assigned by the processor.

Record group is comprised of thirteen collections and five items, the collections of which are: 1. Nika Fleissig papers; 2. Collection of Dachau diaries and letters; 3. Anna Przeworska-Pratt papers; 4. Siegfried Halbreich papers; 5. Barry Ziff papers; 8. Anna Lipszyc papers; 9. Betty Gerard papers; 10. Dawid Gertler papers; 11. Josef Brojde papers; 12. Henryk Gliksman papers; 13. Central Committee of Liberated Jews in U.S. Zone of Occupation in Germany papers.

Subjects: Accusation and suspicion of collaboration in the Holocaust, Allied Military and Civil administration in Germany, Collaboration in ghettos, collaboration in the Holocaust, Collaboration of Jewish Administration in the Holocaust, Immigration to Israel, Immigration to United States, Jewish-Gentile relations, Jewish courts of honor, Jewish courts of honor--Munich (Germany), Legal defense in the Jewish courts of Honor, Means of adaptation and survival in concentration camps, Means of adaptation and survival in the ghettos, personal diaries, postwar life in Europe, survival tactics

Forms of Material: Diaries--Wartime, Memoirs, Memoirs--Post-WWII, Personal memoirs and recollections, Personal testimonies

Languages: English, German, Polish, Yiddish


This Record Group is composed of 18 sub-record groups, all devoted to personal and collective memoirs and testimonies, recorded soon after the Second World War. There a few narratives narrated during the wartime.

They reflect various aspects of prewar life, survival under Nazi occupation: ghetto and camp experience, hiding, false identity, resistance activity, liberation, and immigration to the countries of current residence. There are several diaries kept in the camp, ghetto, and in the partisan unit. The original records are in English, German, Polish, and Yiddish. Largely, the documents are partially or fully translated in English. Sub-groups or individual collections within this record group comprise original documents, photographs, artifacts, as well as non-original copies and secondary publications.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The record group contains memoirs, testimonies, and other recollections written before, during, and after the war. They reflect various aspects of prewar life, survival under Nazi occupation--ghetto and camp experience, hiding, false identity, resistance activity--liberation, and immigration. There are several diaries kept in the camp, ghetto, and in the partisan unit. The collections also comprise of original documents, photographs, artifacts, digitized materials, as well as non-original copies and secondary source publications.

Largely, the documents are partially or fully translated in English, but there are also original documents in German, Polish, and Yiddish.

Collection Historical Note

This macro Record Group comprises archival narratives, photodocuments, correspondences and other form of wartime recollections. It is subdivided into 18 sub-record groups. Largely, it is unified by the common theme, that is, reflections on the Holocaust. These narrated reflections vary content and form. Overall, they describe, personal, family and community experience during and after the Holocaust. These narratives are penned by Jewish, non-Jewish authors, as well as by the Jewish organizations and officials. All 18 sub-record groups are unified by a common denominator, namely the analysis and insight of the personally experienced tragedy of the Holocaust, War and postwar difficulties.

Biographical Note

Irena Lusky, née Deuel, was born ca. 1925 in Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania in an upper middle-class, well educated, and assimilated Jewish family. She describes her childhood experiences in the well-off family focusing on the interfamily relations between herself, her parents, her grandparents, and her sister. Further, Irena Lusky’s narrative depicts a certain strata of Jewish intelligentsia of interwar Lithuania.

The period of 1940-1941, during the Soviet annexation of Lithuania, is reflected through the prism of a young adult’s comprehension of social and political changes taking place in mundane life, as well as of the events jeopardizing the very existence of their family. The latter is related to their arrest and initial stage of deportation, and their release from the transport to Siberia at the last moment. The Deuel family was freed due to the influential intervention of Dr. Finkelstein, an old family friend, who was in high esteem by the new Communist government of Lithuania.

The Deuel family was exposed to the war hardships from the first day, June 22, 1941, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. After a failed flight attempt, they returned to German-occupied Vilnius (Vilna). While en route to Vilnius, they were arrested several times. Although, at that initial stage of German occupation, it was still possible for them to be released from jail either with the help of bribery or simply appealing to “a good German.”

Irena Lusky describes the life in the Vilna ghetto from two perspectives: first and foremost as a young adult experiencing all ghetto hardships and second, to a lesser extent, as a memoir writer of late 1970s. This latter perspective shows the post-Holocaust interpretations together with the author’s personal reckoning. Overall, this combination of two uncorrelated perspectives culminates in the authentic and independent account with regard to the various sides of ghetto life. Ghetto inhabitants, Judenrat members, resistance activities, German authorities, and numerous existential situations are reflected in the narrative. The reader will find among other such reflections, the author’s insights on Jewish leadership as a whole and specifically on such controversial figure as Jacob Gens, the head of the Judenrat and the Jewish Police Force in the ghetto.  The Wittenberg Affair is also accounted as the author’s first-hand experience.

Irena was also only indirectly involved in the FPO (Fareinikte Partizaner Organizatsie—United Partisan Organization) and therefore did not join its members in escaping from the ghetto into the forest to continue the partisan struggle. The FPO decided to leave the ghetto before it was liquidated. The Deuel family survived the liquidation of the ghetto only to face German selection. In September 1943, the remaining ghetto inhabitants were taken outside the city into an open field called Rossa for the selection. The first stage of selection separated male and female family members. Irena would never see again her Father, Dr. Finkelstein, and her boyfriend Gamek Sturman. The next stage of selection resulted in the separation of Irena and Tamara from their mother. The Germans directed the daughters to the right, while their mother was sent to the left.  The sisters sensed that “right” meant life and some hope, while the people sent on the left were doomed. Irena remembers how her mother was calmed and pleased by seeing the daughters on the life side. Irena and Tamar Deuel were deported to the Kaiserwald concentration camp near Riga, Latvia.

After a ten-week imprisonment in Kaiserwald, Irena and Tamara were transferred to the AEG factory in Riga, a labor camp officially referred as Riga-Strasdenhof camp, where they lived at worked. The conditions there were slightly better than in the Kaiserwald camp. In 1944, with the Soviet Army nearing Riga, the Germans evacuated AEG labor camp to Toruń (Thorn), Poland. Here, another underground factory was to be set up in the former castle, designated as “Fort 13.” Irena Deuel (Lusky) remained in Thorn-AEG, the official camp name, through December 1944. At the end of December 1944, the female prisoners of the Thorn-AEG camp were forced to march west, in the direction of Germany. Being badly wearied and ultimately starved, the prisoners were compelled to keep pace under German command.

Irena Deuel managed to escape from the forced march when the column was passing the city of Bydgoszcz (Bromberg), Poland. She ran up to a house and begged for shelter. Only after the long persuasion, a Polish woman let Irena in. After a week of hiding, in January 1945, the entering Soviet Army liberated Irena and the other girls at their hideout. Wandering through the streets of Bydgoszcz, Irena met her sister Tamara and other girls from the camp. Soon after their group left Bydgoszcz for central Poland and headed for Lublin, then a Polish provisional capital. In Lublin Irena learned that her Mother, Father, and Gamek had not survived. Her father was killed in the Klooga concentration camp, Estonia. Her mother was gassed in Majdanek concentration camp, and Gamek died of typhus.

It was in Lublin that Irena, Tamara, and a few other Jewish girls joined the Bricha Movement (an organized Jewish illegal immigration movement from East-Central Europe through the allied-occupied zones to the British-Mandate Palestine). Eventually Irena met the former Vilna Jewish partisan commander Abba Kovner, who was in charge of Bricha operations in East-Central Europe. This meeting played a decisive role in her future when she made a commitment to Palestine, her eventual Jewish home. In total, Irena’s journey to Palestine lasted from March 1945 to January 1946. After a year and a half of wandering through Romania, Hungary, Austria, and Italy, their group finally arrived in the British-mandated Palestine in January 1946. She, as thousands of others at that time, was an illegal Jewish immigrant brought there by the means of another clandestine Jewish movement-- Aliyah Bet, under the patronization of the Jewish Brigade. Upon their arrival to Haifa, the British authorities interned all the repatriates from their ship in the Atlit internment camp.

Eventually the Jewish Agency provided the internees with appropriate papers, and the British set them free. Her first encounter with fellow Jews in a kibbutz was a disappointment to Irena’s expectations and visions for a free and peaceful life in her Jewish state. Irena highly resented the indifference the locals showed to the newcomers in particular, and to the fate of European Jewry during the Holocaust in general.

It was not until Irena Deuel met Maikel Levin in the summer of 1946 that she began to feel differently about herself and the people around her.  Confidence, sympathy, and hope had again filled her life. Having met Maikel at the party, she moved to the Beit Zera kibbutz, on the bank of the Jordan River, near the Sea of Galilee, to be with him. Maikel was a real pioneer and a patriot of the Land. His love helped Irena to appreciate the land and people of Israel. She soon married Maikel and for a while, the couple continued to live at the kibbutz. Irena did not fit into kibbutz work and although she tried her best, kibbutzniks were not satisfied with her. Eventually, it was Maikel’s decision to leave the kibbutz and settle down in a town.

They settled in Givatayim and with the help of a friend Maikel found a job and an apartment. Although they lacked money and situation of the country worsened with every day, they were happy. Adding to this happiness, she became pregnant and looked with hope to the future. On 14 May 1948, independence and establishment of the Jewish State in Eretz-Israel was proclaimed. The war for independence had begun. As a Haganah soldier, Maikel was called up for service. He had to arrive to the Recruitment Center on 18 May 1948. He left home in the morning heading first for work and then, after the workday, to the Recruitment Center. The war between the Israelis and Arabs had already begun, with Jerusalem under siege and local skirmishes beginning to erupt in many places. On that day, 18 May 1948, an explosion at the Central Bus Station, perpetrated by the terrorists, killed Maikel Levin. Irena remained unaware of his fate until the next morning. She was then eight-month pregnant.

In a month Irena gave birth to a girl, but was going through an extremely hard time and suffered mentally and physically. As she recalls, “I was hardly alive, little I comprehended what was going around me.” She could not even take care of her daughter Michal. Eventually time cured her wounds; she remarried to Shimon Lusky, and gave birth to another child, a son. In the 1970s, she was still living in Israel, her past never having left her. She took up this writing with the intention to separate herself from this burden and to place her personal vision, recollections, and reflections in a literary, truthful, and intimate account of her and her time.

Subject/Index Terms

Accusation and suspicion of collaboration in the Holocaust
Allied Military and Civil administration in Germany
Collaboration in ghettos
collaboration in the Holocaust
Collaboration of Jewish Administration in the Holocaust
Immigration to Israel
Immigration to United States
Jewish-Gentile relations
Jewish courts of honor
Jewish courts of honor--Munich (Germany)
Legal defense in the Jewish courts of Honor
Means of adaptation and survival in concentration camps
Means of adaptation and survival in the ghettos
personal diaries
postwar life in Europe
survival tactics

Administrative Information

Repository: Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust

Access Restrictions: No restrictions

Use Restrictions:

Copyrighted materials, credits to and references to the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust are required

Digital copies might be available upon request

Preferred Citation: RG-01, Personal Memoirs, Testimonies and Diaries. Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust Archive.

Processing Information: Materials are primarily described using the local descriptive standards of the LA Museum of the Holocaust.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Sub-Collection:

[Sub-Collection 1: RG-01.01, Irena Lusky Collection, 1976 -- 1977],
[Sub-Collection 2: RG-01.02, Nika Fleissig papers, ca. 1920-1989],
[Sub-Collection 3: RG-01.03, Collection of Dachau diaries and letters, 1933-1945],
[Sub-Collection 4: RG-01.04, Anna Przeworska-Pratt papers, 1939 -1973],
[Sub-Collection 5: RG-01.05, Siegfried Halbreich papers, 1939 -- 1970s],
[Sub-Collection 6: RG-01.06, Barry Ziff papers, 1944-1945],
[Sub-Collection 7: RG-01.07, Erica Leon Testimony],
[Sub-Collection 8: RG-01.08, Anna Lipszyc papers, 1939 -- 1946],
[Sub-Collection 9: RG-01.09, Betti Gerard papers, 1936-1949],
[Sub-Collection 10: RG-01.10, Marta Mitdank testimony, 15 October 1946],
[Sub-Collection 11: RG-01.11, Dawid Gertler papers, 1948-1949],
[Sub-Collection 12: RG-01.12, Ludwik Hirshfeld memoir, 1946],
[Sub-Collection 13: RG-01.13, Josef Broide papers, 1979],
[Sub-Collection 14: RG-01.14, Henryk Gliksman papers, 1948-1949],
[Sub-Collection 15: RG-01.15, Alice Schragai memoir, 21 January 1982],
[Sub-Collection 16: RG-01.16, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in U.S. Zone of Occupation in Germany papers, 1946-1949],
[Sub-Collection 17: RG-01.17, Otto Herskovic memoir, 1946],
[Sub-Collection 18: RG-01.18, John van Huzun wartime diary the Netherlands, 1944-1945],
[Sub-Collection 19: RG-01.19, Rysia Edelman, Wartime Memoir, Poland],
[Sub-Collection 20: RG-01.20, Ernest (Jacob) Lorant memoir, Hungary, 1944-1946],

Sub-Collection 4: RG-01.04, Anna Przeworska-Pratt papers, 1939 -1973Add to your cart.

This collection contains the personal testimony, autobiography, letter, speeches, and photographs of Anna Przeworksi-Pratt, born Esther Epstein. The documents contain recollections of life in the ghetto, the prewar and postwar period, the experience under German occupation, and religious observations.

Przeworski-Pratt's testimony is presented in the form of a private letter. Shedoes not address the recipient by name, instead calling him respectfully Pan Mecenas (a title for a jurist/lawyer in Poland). In this testimony/letter, she renders her judgments and characterization to a number of people – some of them Polish public figures, others being infamous German perpetrators, as well as the members of the Judenrät in Czestochowa. Among described personalities, there are also her family members, colleagues, fellow camp prisoners, and her new American acquaintances. Przeworski-Pratt emphasizes her satisfaction with American style of life, although in the passages devoted to the Polish Past and especially in the private segments, addressed to Pan Mecenas, she is nostalgic for prewar Poland.

Arrangement: This collection is comprised of 12 sub-collections/items.
Language of Materials: Polish and English
Subject/Index Terms:
Landsberg am Lech (Germany)
Studies of law--Poland (1918-1939)
Anti-jewish limitations in practicing law--Poland (1930s)
Lawyers, Polish
Personal memoirs and recollections
Life under German occupation--Poland (1939-1945)
Anti-Jewish atrocities--Poland (1939-1945)
Massacres, Jewish--Poland (1939-1945)
Judenraete--Poland (1939-1945)
Jewish councils--Poland (1939-1945)
Jewish councils--chairmen
Collaboration with German administration
Jewish Order Police
Round-ups and aktion in the ghettos--Poland (1939-1945)
Częstochowa ghetto
SS and administrative personnel, German
Ukrainian Auxiliary Police
Extermination of Jewish intelligentsia--Czestochowa (Poland)
Mass killings--Czestochowa (Poland)
Selections in the ghettos
Means of adaptation and survival in the ghettos
Hassag-Peltzery (Concentration camp)
Forced marches
Gross-Rosen (Concentration camp)
Ravensbrück (Concentration camp)
Burgau (Concentration camp)
Liberation of concentration camps
Allied forces, American
Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Occupation Zone of Germany
Court of honor of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Occupation Zone of Germany
Legal practices
Jewish collaborators
Legal defense
Germany (1945--1949)
Trials and proceedings over Nazi-German perpetrators
Częstochowa (Poland)
Warsaw (Poland)
Dachau (Concentration camp)
Munich (Germany)
Berlin (Germany)
New York (N.Y.)
Los Angeles (Calif.)
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Tamara
Kopinski, Leon
Franke (SS Official)
Degenhardt (SS Official)
Epstein, Itsek Mendel
Epstein, Frajdla Hinda
Epstein, Jakob
Epstein, Nathan
Gringauz, Dr. Samuel
Orenstein, Dr. Szloma
Blumowicz, Dr.
Friedman, Filip
Przeworski, Andrzej
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 1: RG-01.04.01, Esther Przeworski Pratt Testimony, letter to a former Polish colleague, Februrary 1965Add to your cart.
This letter addressed to an unnamed Polish prewar mentor of Esther (Anna) Przeworski-Pratt is her life-story testimony. Written in Polish language, it presents a well-narrated autobiographic history of prewar, wartime and postwar landmarking events of Ms. Przeworski-Pratt life. Largher the reader can sense a nostalgic tone of this narrative. The letter is 26 pages long
Subject/Index Terms:
Second World War, 1939 -- 1945
Germany invasion of Poland, September 1, 1939
Częstochowa (Poland)
Jewish councils--Poland (1939-1945)
Judenrat, Jewish council in ghettos
Czestochowa (Poland: ghetto)
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
American Military Government, Germany, US zone of occupation
Jewish courts of honor
Jewish courts of honor--Munich (Germany)
Collaboration with German administration
collaboration in the Holocaust
Collaboration of Jewish Administration in the Holocaust
Round-ups and aktion in the ghettos--Poland (1939-1945)
Dachau (Concentration camp)
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 2: RG-01.04.02, Esther Przeworski Pratt Autobiography. In English, two pages., 1950sAdd to your cart.View associated digital content.
A short autobiography written by Anna Przeworsk-Pratt (Estera Epstein). It outlines the major landmarks of her life in Poland and Germany until emigration to the United States.
Subject/Index Terms:
Czestochowa (Poland: ghetto)
Concentration camps, German
US Occupation Zone in Germany; Germany
Jewish courts of honor
Jewish courts of honor--Munich (Germany)
Judiciary stewardship, US Military Government in Germany
Immigration to United States
Ravensbrueck, German concentration camp
Ravensbrück (Concentration camp)
Dachau (Concentration camp)
Liberation from German concentration camps
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 3: RG-01.04.03, Esther Przeworksi Pratt Letter to Diana Spevack, biographical data, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document includes a letter to Ms. Diana Spevack with biographical data from Esther Przeworski-Pratt. The document is in English
Subject/Index Terms:
Epstein, Estera
Częstochowa (Poland)
Ravensbrück (Concentration camp)
Dachau (Concentration camp)
Displaced persons camps
Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the US Occupation Zone of Germany
Jewish courts of honor--Munich (Germany)
Immigration to United States
Buchenwald, German-Nazi concentration camp
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 4: RG-01.04.04, Esther Przeworski Pratt Recollection of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Celebration in Poland, 1971Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains Esther Przeworski-Pratt's recollection of the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Celebration in Poland before and during the war. Also a recollection of the Warsaw and Czestochowa experience under the German occupation. The document is in English and in Polish
Subject/Index Terms:
Częstochowa (Poland)
Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
Epstein, Estera
Jewish religious holidays
Jewish religious practices and observation of holidays
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 5: RG-01.04.05, Esther Przeworski Pratt Recollection of Yom Kippur in 1947, at sanatorium in Bad Kissingen, Germany, 1947Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains a brief recollection from Esther Przeworski-Pratt about celebrating Yom Kippur in 1947 at a sanatorium in Bad Kissingen to demonstrate the Jewish spirit. The document is in Polish
Subject/Index Terms:
Postwar recollections of the Holocaust
Jewish religious life in postwar Germany
Jewish religious holidays
Jewish religious practices and observation of holidays
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 6: RG-01.04.06, Esther Przeworski Pratt Recollection of the deportation, arrival, and life at Ravensbruck, 1973Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains a recollection from Esther Przeworski-Pratt about the deportation, arrival, and life at Ravensbruck concentration camp. The document is in English
Subject/Index Terms:
Ravensbrück (Concentration camp)
Deportation to concentration camps
Epstein, Estera
Personal memoirs and recollections
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 7: RG-01.04.07, Esther Przeworski Pratt testimony of the annihilation of Jewish Intelligentsia in Czestochowa, English, ca 1960sAdd to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains a testimony of Esther Przeworski-Pratt about the annihilation of the remnants of the Jewish intelligentsia in Czestochowa (Poland). This is an edited version of RG-01.04.08 and the Polish version can be found in RG-01.04.09
Subject/Index Terms:
Czestochowa (Poland: ghetto)
Mass killings--Czestochowa (Poland)
Extermination of Jewish intelligentsia--Czestochowa (Poland)
Degenhardt, Head of the German police and security forces
Massacres, Jewish--Poland (1939-1945)
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
Judenrat, Jewish council in ghettos
Round-ups and aktion in the ghettos--Poland (1939-1945)
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 8: RG-01.04.08, Esther Przeworski Pratt Recollection of the annihilation of Jewish Intelligentsia in Czestochowa, English, ca 1960sAdd to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains a testimony of Esther Przeworski-Pratt about the annihilation of the remnants of the Jewish intelligentsia in Czestochowa (Poland). This is the original English version of the testimony and the Polish version can be found in RG-01.04.09
Subject/Index Terms:
Mass killings--Czestochowa (Poland)
Czestochowa (Poland: ghetto)
Extermination of Jewish intelligentsia--Czestochowa (Poland)
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
Round-ups and aktion in the ghettos--Poland (1939-1945)
Degenhardt, Head of the German police and security forces
Częstochowa (Poland)
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 9: RG-01.04.09, Esther Przeworski Pratt testimony of the annihilation of Jewish Intelligentsia in Czestochowa, Polish, ca 1960sAdd to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains a testimony of Esther Przeworski-Pratt about the annihilation of the remnants of the Jewish intelligentsia in Czestochowa (Poland). This is the Polsih version and two English versions can be found in RG-01.04.07 and RG-01.04.08
Subject/Index Terms:
Częstochowa (Poland)
Mass killings--Czestochowa (Poland)
Czestochowa (Poland: ghetto)
Extermination of Jewish intelligentsia--Czestochowa (Poland)
Poland (Europe)
Degenhardt, Head of the German police and security forces
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
Round-ups and aktion in the ghettos--Poland (1939-1945)
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 10: RG-01.04.10, Esther Przeworski Pratt “My Last Encounter with the Murderer of Jews, Degenhardt”, 1971Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains Esther Przeworski-Pratt' testimony about Degenhardt, the Head of police and security forces in Czestochowa (Poland). Przewoski-Pratt's testimony summarizes the last encounter she had with Degenhardt and highlights his role in the massacre of the Jews in Czestochowa (Poland). The document is in English
Subject/Index Terms:
Mass killings--Czestochowa (Poland)
Czestochowa (Poland: ghetto)
Częstochowa (Poland)
Degenhardt, Head of the German police and security forces
Degenhardt (SS Official)
Judischer Ordnungdienst (or Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei, Jewish Ghetto Police)
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
Round-ups and aktion in the ghettos--Poland (1939-1945)
Roundups and Deportations of Jews
Parasol, Judischer Ordnungdienst (or Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei, Jewish Ghetto Police)
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 11: RG-01.04.11, Esther Przeworski Pratt speech at the 28th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Beverly Hills, 18 April 1971Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains a speech given by Esther Przeworski-Pratt for the 28th Anniversary of Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Przeworski-Pratt reiterates throughout her speech that the Jewish youth must keep alive the facts of the Holocaust and inform the world of the atrocities committed to prevent another genocide. She gives some details and facts about the Holocaust and highlights the valor of the young Jewish people who fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The document is in English
Subject/Index Terms:
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Poland)
Holocaust, Jewish (1939 -- 1945), commemoration
Jewish Fighting Organization
Holocaust, Jewish (1939 -- 1945)
Postwar recollections of the Holocaust
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Wiesenthal, Simon
Roundups and Deportations of Jews
Germany invasion of Poland, September 1, 1939
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 12: RG-01.04.12, Esther Przeworski Pratt Speech at the Conference of the Council of Jewish Post-War Organizations, 1970Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains a speech given by Esther Przeworski-Pratt at the Conference of the Council of Jewish Post-War Organizations regarding anti-Semitism. Przeworski-Pratt speaks about anti-Semitism in Poland, the events of the Holocaust, and the growing anti-Semitism in the United States. She encourages the audience to combat anti-Semitism and to be informed of the past atrocities committed. The document is in English
Subject/Index Terms:
Częstochowa (Poland)
Poland (Europe)
Anti-jewish limitations in practicing law--Poland (1930s)
Anti-Jewish atrocities--Poland (1939-1945)
anti-Jewish measures and legislations
Anti-semitic laws
Polish National Democrats
Dachau (Concentration camp)
Holocaust, Jewish (1939 -- 1945)
Postwar recollections of the Holocaust
Jewish property attacks
Massacres, Jewish--Poland (1939-1945)
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 13: RG-01.04.13, Esther Przeworski Pratt Presentation at the University of Judaism, Los Angeles, October 1961Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains a presentation given by Esther Przeworski-Pratt at the University of Judaism, Los Angeles (California). The presentation pertains to the 19th anniversary of the mass killing of the Jewish community in Czestochowa on 22 September 1942. The document is in English
Subject/Index Terms:
Czestochowa (Poland: ghetto)
Mass killings--Czestochowa (Poland)
Częstochowa (Poland)
Commemoration ceremony of the Jewish annihilation in Czestochowa
Degenhardt, Head of the German police and security forces
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
Germany invasion of Poland, September 1, 1939
Roundups and Deportations of Jews
Deportation to concentration camps
Roundups and Actions in the ghettos
Round-ups and aktion in the ghettos--Poland (1939-1945)
Second World War, 1939 -- 1945
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Document/Artifact of Item-Level 14: RG-01.04.14, Esther (Anna) Przeworski-Pratt, photographs, ca 1946 -- 1947Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
The document contains six photographs of Esther Przeworski-Pratt in Germand and Poland. The photographs are in black and white
Subject/Index Terms:
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna
Photographs, postwar, 1945 -- 1988
Germany (Europe)
Poland (Europe)
Epstein, Estera
Przeworski-Pratt, Anna

Browse by Sub-Collection:

[Sub-Collection 1: RG-01.01, Irena Lusky Collection, 1976 -- 1977],
[Sub-Collection 2: RG-01.02, Nika Fleissig papers, ca. 1920-1989],
[Sub-Collection 3: RG-01.03, Collection of Dachau diaries and letters, 1933-1945],
[Sub-Collection 4: RG-01.04, Anna Przeworska-Pratt papers, 1939 -1973],
[Sub-Collection 5: RG-01.05, Siegfried Halbreich papers, 1939 -- 1970s],
[Sub-Collection 6: RG-01.06, Barry Ziff papers, 1944-1945],
[Sub-Collection 7: RG-01.07, Erica Leon Testimony],
[Sub-Collection 8: RG-01.08, Anna Lipszyc papers, 1939 -- 1946],
[Sub-Collection 9: RG-01.09, Betti Gerard papers, 1936-1949],
[Sub-Collection 10: RG-01.10, Marta Mitdank testimony, 15 October 1946],
[Sub-Collection 11: RG-01.11, Dawid Gertler papers, 1948-1949],
[Sub-Collection 12: RG-01.12, Ludwik Hirshfeld memoir, 1946],
[Sub-Collection 13: RG-01.13, Josef Broide papers, 1979],
[Sub-Collection 14: RG-01.14, Henryk Gliksman papers, 1948-1949],
[Sub-Collection 15: RG-01.15, Alice Schragai memoir, 21 January 1982],
[Sub-Collection 16: RG-01.16, Central Committee of Liberated Jews in U.S. Zone of Occupation in Germany papers, 1946-1949],
[Sub-Collection 17: RG-01.17, Otto Herskovic memoir, 1946],
[Sub-Collection 18: RG-01.18, John van Huzun wartime diary the Netherlands, 1944-1945],
[Sub-Collection 19: RG-01.19, Rysia Edelman, Wartime Memoir, Poland],
[Sub-Collection 20: RG-01.20, Ernest (Jacob) Lorant memoir, Hungary, 1944-1946],

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